The issue of ‘what is a visit’ has been one of disagreement among travellers for a considerable amount of time. Different organisations have distinct rules, resulting in unclear criteria which can result in very unfair outcomes when comparing travellers’ travel...
4th NomadMania Conference in Bocas del Toro
Every other year NomadMania holds a Conference. In 2017, fourteen travellers met in Layang Layang in the Spratly islands; in 2019, 18 travellers gathered at Faial, Azores, Portugal. Despite the difficulties of the pandemic, we succeeded in holding our meeting on the...
Meet Eugene Petrus: Our New Marketing Manager
In our last issue, we mentioned the new way we present people who are our associates. And we are especially happy to be announcing that for the first time ever, NomadMania has a dedicated marketing manager who will be responsible for developing and implementing...
Reflecting on 2022: A Year of Challenges, Milestones and Celebrations
Last year we opened our last newsletter of 2021 with the words: "Though it was clearly a challenging year for everybody, it was also one where the travel community returned to considerable movement, with a number of achievements overall." On that note, we can confirm...
Our manager, Milana Bojinović, is leaving NomadMania team
Soon our manager Milana is leaving NomadMania team. She is a real star. Though she claims to be under-travelled, she certainly has the travel bug and her time with us has probably only made it worse; she visited Ukraine, São Tomé and Príncipe, Armenia and Panama, all...
Travel and Mental Health Poll
As part of our commitment to the development of community, NomadMania has already launched quite a number of online polls. We have decided to broaden the scope of these and, with the assistance of our Executive Committee, devise a few simple polls to research topics...
Meet NomadMania’s Executive Committee
It is such an honor and pleasure to present this Executive Committee to you. We all truly hope you will receive the Committee and each of us members well. We all share the love for travelling and are eager to contribute to our global travel community. Besides this, we...
“What is a visit” Poll Results
One of the unique features of NomadMania is that we verify the travel achievements of members, thereby developing a trusted and engaging community. However, tehere is a never ending discussion regarding what should be considered a visit and what not. So we decided to...
In Memoriam of Hans Ollongren
We are incredibly sad to announce the sudden passing on February 2nd of UN Master from Sweden, Hans Ollongren, aged just 67. Hans completed every UN country just a few months ago by visiting Bhutan and participating in our NomadMania awards broadcast at the end of...
NomadMania’s Series Reaches 2901
We know that some of you are huge Series fans and so you perhaps also with a small review of what has been added to the Series. The biggest additions have been with Top of the Tops, which has now grown to reach 2901 items - just 100 short of our ultimate goal...