Meet Eugene Petrus: Our New Marketing Manager

21 January, 2023 | Blog, News


In our last issue, we mentioned the new way we present people who are our associates. And we are especially happy to be announcing that for the first time ever, NomadMania has a dedicated marketing manager who will be responsible for developing and implementing a coherent marketing strategy for us.

The name Eugene Petrus may be unknown to you, but perhaps you will remember the only non-human interview that we have ever hosted with Chapati, the wonderful canine who has visited 40 countries. Eugene and his wife Kristina adopted Chapati during their trip to India. You can read our interview with Chapati from 2020 and check in with her and their ‘pack’ through their Instagram page. We are happy to note that she is doing fine, even though she gets panicky every time Kyiv, her new home, experiences bombings.

NomadMania is committed to giving employment opportunities to as many people in Ukraine as possible, and we will be announcing further partnerships in our following newsletters; for now, feel free to contact Eugene with your ideas as he urges you to do below!


Self-portrait – Eugene Petrus and a bombed building in Irpin, Ukraine


Eugene Petrus, born in 1985, is a Ukrainian marketing and customer experience specialist. With over 15 years of experience, Eugene started his marketing career in the global advertising network working for British American Tobacco. In 10 years, he covered the path from junior manager to regional account director in charge of the most prominent BAT brands throughout the CIS region. However, having that kind of corporate job resulted in only a few-week vacation a year.

A zest for travel led Eugene to quit the job and start his first half-year journey to South-East Asia. Right at the beginning of that journey Eugene and his wife, Kristina, found a dying puppy on the streets of Kochi in India. They brought her to health and continued their travels as a pack. Since then, Eugene, Kristina, and Chapati have covered 40 countries in Asia and Europe, popularizing dog adoption and thoughtful travelling with pets. Eventually, that led Chapati to the title of a record-holder of Ukraine and India as the biggest pet traveller.

This shift towards travel brought Eugene into project work and marketing consulting. He also started to develop as a pet photographer for @travelingchapati and lately entered the university to study filmmaking.

As part of the NomadMania team, Eugene aims to contribute to the travel community and further increase the value of NomadMania. He is open to your insights and suggestions you may share at He will be happy to personally talk with any NomadMania member willing to share their thoughts, opinions, hardships – you name it.

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