Sustainable Travel

Tips for Responsible Travel

Tips for Responsible Travel

As a hub for committed global explorers, the NomadMania community has the unique ability and power to make the world a better place. By being conscious of how your travel impacts the local environment, communities, cultures, and economies you visit, you can help...

10 Steps to Travel Sustainably

10 Steps to Travel Sustainably

As people passionate about the benefits of travel, we at NomadMania are committed to helping people make the most sustainable choices when they are visiting new places. Thus we are thrilled to be partnering with a Travel Care Code Initiative. TCCI is a group of...

[WEBINAR] How to Travel Sustainably

[WEBINAR] How to Travel Sustainably

How to Travel Sustainably Open webinar panel with NomadMania’s sustainable travel partners 17:00 London 12:00 New York 09:00 Los Angeles 23:00 Bangkok PanelistsDr. Jonathon Day, Chair of Travel Care Code InitiativeWesley Espinosa, Interim Executive Director of Center...