
Badges is one of the ways NomadMania celebrates travellers, which have existed since we began, but have now expanded.

One of our badges is the ‘tick’ next to your profile – that tells the world a traveller has been authenticated as a real person. Authentication is generally only possible if a traveller has met another authenticated traveller in ‘real’ life. However due to covid, we have made virtual authentication possible, and we invite anybody who would like this ‘tick’ to let us know and we will take you through the authentication process.

The other two badges refer to verification – that you have travelled where you say you have. The UN badge is for countries visted while the NM badge means you have been verified for regions. In general, travellers who claim more than 600 NM regions and more than 180 UN countries are eligible for verification, and those with more than 700 NM regions are required to be verified, at the very least for UN countries, if they want to keep their status.

In the photo above, looking to the right, you will also see the TBT (The Biggest Traveller) badges which are awarded to fully verified travellers across nearly all lists. Verification for this is by invitation only given the amount of work required for this; we have successfully verified 9 of the Top 11 on the TBT list.

Next to the three main badges, you will sometimes find a fourth one, which is a number. This refers to the achievements badges, awarded based on ranking across a number of categories. These badges are generally updated every two months. They work as images and you can find them under your profile page, and then download them individually and, why not, share them with the world!

Achievement badges are given across categories, such as Series, but are also sorted by age groups and nationality, giving a much larger field of eligibility for them – in fact around 40% of our users have at least one badge. The more you fill in your profiles, the more likely you will get a badge, so take the time to review where you have been, especially focusing on those Series! Have fun!


Conference #5 in Fergana, UZDETAILS