As part of our commitment to the development of community, NomadMania has already launched quite a number of online polls. We have decided to broaden the scope of these and, with the assistance of our Executive Committee, devise a few simple polls to research topics that may be of interest to everyone.
Recently we launched a Mental Health poll, created in association with Cameron Mofid. Our aim is to investigate both what motivates you to travel and to what extent and in what way your travels have affected you and your relations with the world around you.
So let’s see the results.
We have asked our respondents with a following questions like:
- Do you prefer to travel alone or with companions;
- When you travel you are more interested in places or people;
- How important is it for you to have a purpose when travelling;
- Overall, has travel impacted your personal growth;
- Does travel make you lonely;
- Do you feel stressed when travelling;
- etc…
See the full list of questions and results below
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