Code of Conduct

As a small team in a non-profit organisation which offers its services for free, we work extremely hard to offer all our members the best possible experience. Sometimes things do go wrong, and we try to rectify them and to listen to our travellers and provide timely responses, within the realm of the possible. We also aim to always be professional, courteous and helpful. If we fall short of this, there are reasons – and we always do rectify problems in the end.

We therefore expect to be treated with the same standards of courtesy and consideration by our members at all times. This is especially as all communication is via electronic means. Under no circumstances and for no reason will our team tolerate threats or abuse of any kind, as well as sarcasm or maliciously aimed comments. This is also the case for any political discussions which are entirely beyond the realm of our interest.

In the event that anybody in our team feels they are being subject to behaviour that is unacceptable – and the onus of that is on the team members themselves – we will issue a warning to the traveller in question, explaining our perspective. If subsequent behaviour continues to be below the standards of acceptability, profiles will be blocked, initially for a period of 6 months, and if this is continued, then permanently, and in this case we will be mentioning this in our newsletters.

Moreover, as a minimum, we expect that our users accurately and fairly complete their travel profiles i.e. the list of regions they have visited. We offer a vast amount of travel information and this relatively small investment in time from our travellers is all that we ask for. We therefore reserve the right to delete all unfilled, or partially filled, travel profiles with no notice. You are always free to re-open a profile with us, as long as you complete it.

Once again, we thank you all for your investment in time and for your interest in NomadMania.

Conference #5 in Fergana, UZDETAILS