Partners of NomadMania


Café Globen

Travel Care Code Initiative

TCCI is a group of academics and marketing folks who recognised the need to ensure travel contributed to sustainability and provides travellers simple guidelines on how they can reduce the impact of their travel on the environment.

Café Globen

Café Globen

Café Globen is Denmark’s only Travel Café run as a volunteer project by Danish globetrotters. Global travelers and travel clubs are welcome to visit and will also have the possibility to give travel lectures.

Café Globen

Center for Responsible Travel

CREST is a global nonprofit organisation working to make responsible travel & tourism a reality. Passionate about transforming the way the world travels, its mission is to serve as a center of tourism knowledge, empowerment, and action for destination communities.

Café Globen

Extraordinary Travel Festival

ETF is the world’s largest gathering of adventurous & avid travelers aiming to bring people together from around the world, who are: traveling to every country, passionate to explore extreme and challenging destinations and love to have fun and network with likeminded folks.

Café Globen

Travel Massive

Travel Massive is a community which connected thousands of tourism professionals, travel media, creators and startups from around the world to meet, connect and share ideas — to help shape the future of travel.



Maailmanmatkaajat – Global Explorers Finland is a club for well travelled people in Finland which has been around since the year 2000.

Philippine Global Explorers (PGE)

Philippine Global Explorers (PGE)

PGE is a global community of Filipino world travelers whose mission is to bring together Filipino travelers.

Hey Success

Hey Success

A global hub for all student opportunities – internships, scholarships, conferences…

Untamed Borders

Untamed Borders

Adventure travel to Afghanistan, the Caucasus, Somaliland and more …

Art in All of Us

Art in All of Us

Promotes tolerance and cultural exchange throughout all 192 UN members (published before South Sudan became 193!), with art and creativity activities.

NomadMania Conference #5SEE DETAILS