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Latest Updates
Eddie Tone, Romanian traveller and Tuktuk.ro founder
Eddie was born when his country Romania was a very different place from what it is today. The founder of the popular travel portal Tuktuk.ro, the place to go if you are a Romanian speaker into travel, talks to us about his adventures and feelings about travel. 2007:...
Introducing New Achievements and Triumphs Section
Our first long newsletter of 2023 will really be LONG! We strongly suggest getting a cup of tea or coffee and sitting on a comfy couch before you read it all. The main subject of this issue is a presentation of our second 'What is a visit poll; however we also have a...
Wolfgang Buerkle: A Journalist’s Passion for Travel and Exploring Old ‘Rocks’
Wolfgang is a journalist and blogger from Germany that enjoys exploring the world and writing about it. Though he is not too fond of risky adventures, his German punctuality and a good sense of organisation enable him to see the most even on short trips. He...
NomadMania new map update, M@P regions and toggle switches
Let's start with our newest update - our M@P regions are now included in 'my map' and, well, mapped. You will find that if you click on 'my travels' and then navigate down to 'my map' and click. As you can see on the screenshot above, some of the M@P regions...
Timothy Astandu – Indonesian Father, World Traveler, and TCC Member
Timothy from Indonesia is undoubtedly a high flyer. Not only does he hold a doctorate and is a proud father but he has also been to more than 110 UN countries, aiming to eventually reach them all. A member of the TCC, he has an active Instagram presence with...
Cameron Mofid, the 22-year-old UN traveler and TEDx speaker
Cameron Mofid is the youngest member of our newly launched Executive Committee. At the age of 22, he already has 110+ UN Countries under his belt and beyond that he is already the founder of an organisation and has been a speaker at TEDx. We are very happy to...
Meet NomadMania’s Executive Committee
It is such an honor and pleasure to present this Executive Committee to you. We all truly hope you will receive the Committee and each of us members well. We all share the love for travelling and are eager to contribute to our global travel community. Besides this, we...
NomadMania’s Series Reaches 2901
We know that some of you are huge Series fans and so you perhaps also with a small review of what has been added to the Series. The biggest additions have been with Top of the Tops, which has now grown to reach 2901 items - just 100 short of our ultimate goal...
In Memoriam of Hans Ollongren
We are incredibly sad to announce the sudden passing on February 2nd of UN Master from Sweden, Hans Ollongren, aged just 67. Hans completed every UN country just a few months ago by visiting Bhutan and participating in our NomadMania awards broadcast at the end of...
Meet Eugene Petrus: Our New Marketing Manager
In our last issue, we mentioned the new way we present people who are our associates. And we are especially happy to be announcing that for the first time ever, NomadMania has a dedicated marketing manager who will be responsible for developing and implementing...
Sultan of Slowjamastan a.k.a Ramblin’ Randy Williams
Do we really need to introduce his Eminence the Sultan? Any words seem to be too small to express the greatness that is the Sultan. Following his magnanimous appearance at our 2nd NomadMania Travel Awards in November, we have the pleasure of allowing the man to speak...
Reflecting on 2022: A Year of Challenges, Milestones and Celebrations
Last year we opened our last newsletter of 2021 with the words: "Though it was clearly a challenging year for everybody, it was also one where the travel community returned to considerable movement, with a number of achievements overall." On that note, we can confirm...