Introducing New Achievements and Triumphs Section

21 January, 2023 | Blog, Features

Our first long newsletter of 2023 will really be LONG! We strongly suggest getting a cup of tea or coffee and sitting on a comfy couch before you read it all. The main subject of this issue is a presentation of our second ‘What is a visit poll; however we also have a section on MTP, we present our new Marketing Manager, we are announcing two NomadMania trips, and as always we have a star of the community, this time a little bit of a mystery! We top it off with a member of our new Executive Committee, Cameron Mofid, whose interview we are proud to present.

New on NomadMania

You can see the history of Triumphs on your home page by clicking this button


But first, some news about the newest updates on the NomadMania website. We are updating and increasing our Triumphs and Achievements sections. We are adding more milestones for you so that more of you get mentioned as you increase your scores in our Series or get more countries on our lists.

Achievements are found directly on your profile or, if you make it to the Master ranking, you can click the number there and get a dedicated Achievements page shown. Make sure you check the new ones that you just got – with more categories than before.

We also remind you that our achievements are updated only 4 times a year. Each achievement ‘card’ is downloadable and you can share, embed or print it for your own use, so have fun with those!

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