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Introducing the “Participant of Events” Badge!

Introducing the “Participant of Events” Badge!

Community participation is at the heart of NomadMania. Over the years, we've watched our members come together, forge connections, and create unforgettable memories. While every journey has its tale, the collective stories spun at our live events are tales for the...

Exploring the World with Paramvir Singh Beniwal

Exploring the World with Paramvir Singh Beniwal

Meet Paramvir Singh Beniwal, an intrepid traveler from India who has explored around 70 countries, defying the limitations of his Indian passport. His passion for travel ignited during an internship in Turkey in 2017, leading him to discover hidden gems and unique...

NomadMania Event Guidelines

NomadMania Event Guidelines

Welcome to the NomadMania events, where passionate travellers gather, share experiences, and develop meaningful connections. Hosting a NomadMania event is a testament to your commitment to the independent travel community, an opportunity to broaden networks, and a...