Dealing With ‘Questionable’ Travel Records Verifications

13 September, 2023 | Blog, News

In our effort to establish ourselves as the most credible and reliable travel site online, we check our users with regards to the validity of provided travel information on their accounts. Thus, we have developed a special verification procedure of their travel records which is conducted by our verification committee led by Thomas Buechler.

While we accept our members’ claims, experience has shown that certain people exaggerate their travels, either deliberately or through haste and error. Moreover, following 5 years from the initial regional verification or a sudden major increase in number of regions claimed, the NomadMania verification team reserves the right to request additional proof.

We reserve the right to conduct verification for anyone registered on the NomadMania website, should we believe that the integrity of a profile and its locations clicked as visited are questionable. In case a mandatory NomadMania verification is refused, our mail request is not answered, or the countries/regions clicked as visited don’t correspond to the reality on the ground, there has to be a consequence.


NomadMania reserves the right to:

  • remove a profile until the geographical mistakes are corrected and/or a verification is completed;
  • freeze a profile until the geographical mistakes are corrected and/or a verification is completed;
  • delete as many regions as the NomadMania Team deems appropriate.

The time frame for a response and completion of verification should not exceed 3 months for UN 193 and 6 months for regional verifications.

Please, read full verification instruction here. Happy travels 🙂

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