
Travel Book Poll Results

Travel Book Poll Results

This September, we at NomadMania launched a special focus on travel books, taking us on a literary journey to various corners of the world. One highlight was our Travel Book Poll, aimed at understanding our community members' reading habits. It is evident our members...

NomadMania conflict-times Referendum Results

NomadMania conflict-times Referendum Results

Voting is now closed. NomadMania's official commentary to the referendum will be announced in the September 21st newsletter. Votes from all travelers: Votes exluding travellers from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine: Results shown by country of origin: Results shown by NM...

Mental Health Poll

Mental Health Poll

Overall, you prefer to travel Which of the following apply to you in terms of your online presence (tick all that apply) Overall, when you travel you are more interested in (if in doubt, make a choice!): How important is it for you to have a purpose when travelling?...

What is a Visit – Second Poll

What is a Visit – Second Poll

Trav takes the train at Buchs, Switzerland. It is a beautiful day. The train passes Schaan-Vaduz station, Liechtenstein where it stops for a couple of minutes, then continuing to Feldkirch, Austria, where Trav gets off.  Trav saw the mountains and the station at...

What is a visit?

What is a visit?

Trav flies from London to Nuuk, Greenland via Keflavik, Iceland where he has a 1-hour transit at the airport without going out. Has he visited Iceland? Trav travels from Sofia to Barcelona via Munich. He crosses passport control in Munich and he goes out, still within...

Travel is…

Travel is…

How do you prefer to travel (choose the one closest to you)? Do you feel you have had to sacrifice other things to be able to travel the way you want to? The following statements are rather different; despite this, we ask you to choose the ONE you feel is closest to...

Viajar durante la pandemia – Encuesta

Viajar durante la pandemia – Encuesta

¿Ha viajado internacionalmente, fuera del lugar donde reside normalmente, desde que comenzó la pandemia de Covid? (si regresó de un viaje a su 'hogar', considere un 'sí' solo si se fue de nuevo). ¿Consideraría hacer un viaje internacional mientras dure la pandemia o...

Travel during the Pandemic – Poll

Travel during the Pandemic – Poll

Have you travelled internationally - outside the place where you normally reside - since the Covid pandemic started? (if you returned from a trip to your 'home', then consider a 'yes' only if you left again). Would you consider making an international trip while the...

Путешествие во время пандемии – опрос

Путешествие во время пандемии – опрос

Вы путешествовали - за пределами места, где вы обычно проживаете - с начала пандемии Covid? (если вы вернулись из поездки в свой «дом», то подумайте «да», только если вы снова уехали) Вы бы хотели совершить международное путешествие, пока продолжается пандемия, или...