Introducing the ‘Ghost User’ status

16 September, 2024 | Blog, Features

As you perhaps know, NomadMania is the only place where highly ranked travellers are verified, ensuring their travel claims are valid. We are also an authority to the people who have been to every country – check out our UN Master List. However, as our community grows, it is becoming increasingly difficult to verify some of the travel claims posted by particular members, therefore undermining the credibility of the entire community.

To maintain high standards for everyone, we are introducing the “Ghost User” status.

This exceptional measure is applied to accounts that post significant travel achievements (especially those that impact the information presented on the NomadMania website and mobile app) and fail to prove their travels records or don’t react on our numerous verification approach attempts.


When the “Ghost User” status is applied, the account will be:

  • Excluded from all rankings on NomadMania, including our Master Ranking and Series Ranking;
  • Excluded from our Country/Region/Dare pages in the sections showcasing members from there or those who have visited that place;
  • Excluded from the daily Triumphs section;
  • Excluded from the quarterly updated Achievements ranking;
  • Excluded from the NomadMania statistics section.

If an account receives the ‘Ghost User’ status, the profile page will remain available but will display an additional “Unverified” badge and will not show NomadMania or country rank numbers. The ‘Ghost User’ will still have access to our full functionality for private usage.

As we strive to enhance the NomadMania experience for all our members, this step is essential to maintain the highest quality of information and mutual understanding in the community. Thanks for your support.


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