NomadMania’s marketing associate, Nina, has made it her mission to welcome every New Year in a brand-new country. This year, she’s packing her bags for Andorra, the tiny yet stunning principality nestled between France and Spain. With its snow-capped mountains, cozy...
[FULL] (18-23/2 2025) Kufra, Libya
Ho-ho-ho NomadManians! Whether you have celebrated Christmas or not, our very own NomadMania Santa has a special trip message for you that we thought would be a welcome surprise. We are delighted to announce a trip to the least visited NomadMania region – yes, the one...
NomadMania 2024 Annual Review
Last year, when we conducted our 2023 Annual Review, we believed it was the most transformative year in NomadMania's twelve-year history — and indeed, it was. You are welcome to read our reports from 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014 and 2013....
At NomadMania, We Authenticate Users. Here’s Why.
In an ever-evolving digital world, fostering a trusted and vibrant online community is more important than ever. At NomadMania, we’ve recently introduced a feature that divides users into two categories: authenticated and not yet authenticated. This change reflects...
Project Kosmos: “Happiness Is Possible, Whoever You Are, Wherever You Are”
Michael, a dual citizen of the United States and Greece, embodies this mission with his ambitious endeavor: Project Kosmos. This unique project is more than a quest to visit every UN-recognized country faster than anyone before – it’s a journey of collecting stories,...
NomadMania To The EXTREME
At the recent Extraordinary Travel Festival in Bangkok, Orest Zub, managing partner of NomadMania, delivered an inspiring presentation that captivated the audience. Sharing stories of his adventures and how travel has profoundly shaped his life, Orest revealed how...
Exploring the Shadows: The Ethics and Intrigue of Dark Tourism
At the recent Extraordinary Travel Festival (ETF) in Bangkok, avid traveller and NomadMania founder Harry Mitsidis captivated the audience with his thought-provoking presentation on dark tourism. Delving into destinations that tell the stories of history's darker...
TOUR (27/05 2025) Sokh, Uzbekistan Exclave
Sokh is an exclave of Uzbekistan located within Kyrgyzstan. It's in the Fergana Valley region and is known for its complex ethnic and geopolitical dynamics, as the majority of its population is ethnic Tajik. Until recently it was practically impossible to visit Sokh....
Revolutionary Feature – “Nomads Near Me & Around The World”
We’re thrilled to introduce "Nomads Near Me & Around the World", a groundbreaking new feature in the app designed to bring the global NomadMania community closer together. Imagine being able to see other nomads in your area - or anywhere across the globe - at a...
[FULL] (21/02-07/03 2025) Bangladesh with multiple modules
We are delighted to announce an all-encompassing ‘modular’ trip to Bangladesh in association with our dear fixer and Envoy Kawsar. This trip will consist of modules; you can pick the ‘modules’ you want to do or do them all at a reduction of 5%. In February, we will...
Report from the NomadMania Travel Awards 2024 in Bangkok
The 5th NomadMania Travel Awards were held on November 17, 2024 at the Ambassador Hotel in Bangkok as the culmination of the Extraordinary Travel Festival that attracted a record amount of 250 travellers from around the globe for the 3-day event. As part of the...
NomadMania Travel Awards 2024
NomadMania Travel Awards 2024 Bangkok, Ambassador Hotel November 17, 8 pm (free entry)NomadMania Travel Awards 2024 Bangkok, Ambassador Hotel November 17, 8 pm (free entry)NomadMania Travel Awards 2024 Bangkok, Ambassador Hotel November 17, 8 pm (free entry)The...