We always wanted to participate in live events and travel fairs, so the time has finally come. We are participating in the Web Summit taking place in Lisbon on November 14-16. Even though it is not a travel event ‘sensu stricto,’ it is still relevant because we position NomadMania as a tech travel service first and foremost.
Web Summit is the largest annual tech event in Europe, attracting over 80,000 participants each year. The networking and learning opportunities are simply endless. During the Web Summit, we had the chance to have our own stand, representing our work to everyone interested in serious travel.
Additionally, we presented NomadMania at the startup showcase session, speaking from the big stage to hundreds of people live.
Our managing partner, Orest Zub, established dozens of meaningful connections, which we hope will help NomadMania grow and flourish.
So, rest assured that we will be implementing many new and exciting features for you in the near future. Happy travels! 🙂
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