Travel Lists

We approach the world and travel beyond a conventional division into just continents and countries. We aim to go deeper and further. Learn about our various travel lists below.

UN Countries (193)

This is the most conventional list with 193 United Nation member states. Explore this list.

NomadMania Regions (1301)

Our Masterlist is made up of 1301 regions. Explore this list.

We divide countries based on 5 Criteria:

  • Territory (Size)
  • Population
  • Cultural Importance (World Heritage) and Cultural Diversity
  • Economic Significance
  • Tourist Appeal (based on tourist arrivals)

We then seek to divide each country in regions relative to other countries, so that our list of regions is rational and each country gets its relative worth in terms of regions. There are some exceptions for ethnically divided nations (such as Bosnia and Herzegovina) or for small island nations (such as Micronesia). We believe that a total number of about 1,300 regions is optimal – big enough to be challenging, small enough to be achievable.

DARE (1400+) - Distinctive Alternative Remote Extremes

DARE is a novel list that will hopefully bring some new interest in the travel community and encourage travelers to go further – when this becomes possible again. Explore this list.

The idea is that while our NomadMania 1301 Masterlist provides a solid division of the world’s countries, DARE serves as a much more fluid list with all sorts of significant oddities and out-of-the-way places that a traveler could be striving for, including islands, exclaves, geographical anomalies, and some major micronations too.

Series (60 000+)

The Series started out in 2016 initially just with a listing of World Capitals. Since then, they have grown into more than 50 Categories in 7 ‘mega-categories’ which include Geography, Urban, Transport, Intellectual, Outdoors, Family and our Mini-Series.

Everything from caves to lighthouses is listed in carefully curated lists, but the sheer volume of items means there is always room for improvement and updates.

It is important to remember that the Series do NOT aim to be a complete listing of everything in the world. Rather, they attempt to maintain a good balance, presenting ideas of things to see in each of our 1301 regions, while considering whether these are truly worthwhile and will add to the travel experience. Explore Series.

KYE (458) - Know Your Earth

Know Your Earth is a purely geographical measure of travel which divides the world into 458 ‘pieces’ based on 10 degree divisions of latitude and longitude. Explore Your Earth here.

Conference #5 in Fergana, UZDETAILS