Travel during the Pandemic – Poll

29 October, 2020 | Polls

Have you travelled internationally – outside the place where you normally reside – since the Covid pandemic started? (if you returned from a trip to your ‘home’, then consider a ‘yes’ only if you left again).

Have you travelled internationally - outside the place where you normally reside - since the Covid pandemic started? (if you returned from a trip to your 'home', then consider a 'yes' only if you left again).

Would you consider making an international trip while the pandemic lasts or not?

Would you consider making an international trip while the pandemic lasts or not?

Which of the following is your MAIN criterion now for deciding whether to travel to a particular country?

Which of the following is your MAIN criterion now for deciding whether to travel to a particular country?

Do you find you use NomadMania more, about the same or less than before the pandemic?

Do you find you use NomadMania more, about the same or less than before the pandemic?

Overall, how do you rate your own government’s performance dealing with the pandemic? (please consider the country you have registered with in NomadMania)

Overall, how do you rate your own government’s performance dealing with the pandemic? (please consider the country you have registered with in NomadMania)


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