Molossia: Inside the World of Micronations

11 October, 2023 | Blog, Interviews

In a world dominated by vast countries and intricate international relations, a fascinating phenomenon unfolds: the emergence of small, imaginative entities known as “micronations“These tiny, self-declared nations spring forth from the ambitions of those who bravely dream beyond the conventional. Among them, tthe Republic of Molossia shines brightly, capturing the imaginations of many.

Today, we’re excited to share an exclusive interview with His Excellency President Kevin Baugh, the leader of Molossia. He generously shares the story of his nation’s unique inception and offers us a glimpse into its extraordinary realm.


His Excellency President Kevin Baugh

The Formation of Molossia

How did the Republic of Molossia come into existence?

Molossia was originally founded on 26 May 1977, then known as the Grand Republic of Vuldstein. I was inspired, along with my best friend James, to start a country after watching the old movie, the Mouse That Roared. We enjoyed the creativity, cleverness, and originality of the film and wanted our own tiny nation. James was King and I was Prime Minister.

It was essentially an extension of the idea of declaring one’s bedroom a sovereign nation, something many kids do. James moved on to other projects but I stuck to the idea through the years. In 1998 I obtained land in Northern Nevada. I changed the name to the Republic of Molossia, raised the flag and literally built the nation from there. That’s how it all started!



What is the unique governance structure or ideology that sets Molossia apart?

Molossia is a dictatorship, and I am said dictator. But it’s a benevolent autocracy, our citizens are very happy with our government – because it means they don’t have to do it!


How to Gain Molossian Citizenship?

How does one become a citizen or partake in the Republic of Molossia’s activities?

We welcome visitors to Molossia, on monthly tours, April through October. Citizenship, though is limited to our family members only, sorry!



Do you have any landmarks or attractions that you think would be interesting for NomadMania’s travel-savvy audience?

Well, the whole country! It’s not often that visitors get to see an entire nation in just about an hour and a half. And of course, every tour of Molossia includes stops at our customs office, post office, bank, and constabulary, plus hearing all the tales about Molossia and what makes it the greatest tiny nation on earth!


Any fun facts you’d like to share about the Republic of Molossia?

Onions, walruses, and catfish are banned, and sunshine is guaranteed to the masses. We also have our own time zone and measurement system!

The interesting micronation of Molossia

The Future for President Kevin Baugh

What challenges have you faced, and how did you overcome them?

We are a very small nation and largely lacking in resources, so keeping things going in Molossia can sometimes be a challenge. But we’re resourceful and we make it work! Cleverness and imagination are key to any successful micronation.


What is in the future for the Republic of Molossia?

I think the future is bright for Molossia. We have done great things with our nation so far and there’s still more to come. We’re working on expanding our space program and always seeking positive relationships with other nations. Nations are complex things, which can present challenges but also opportunities. We’re going to seize those opportunities and work every day to make Molossia an even greater place!

His Excellency President Kevin Baugh of Molossia

In the end, the Republic of Molossia stands as a testament to the power of human imagination, proving that even in the smallest of spaces, incredible dreams can take root and thrive. It exemplifies the boundless creativity within us all, ripe for discovery. Whether you’re a traveler seeking uniqueness or an enthusiast of the extraordinary, Molossia delivers a singular experience that promises to make a profound impact.

We offer our heartfelt thanks to His Excellency President Kevin Baugh for sharing his insights and Molossia’s remarkable tale with us generously. This interview has led us through a world where imagination knows no limits, and we eagerly await the continued growth and success of Molossia.

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