New Feature – “Last Visited In…”

19 November, 2023 | Blog, Features

We’re thrilled to announce a significant enhancement to the quick enter function on “My Regions” page, designed to enrich your travel recording experience and impact your YES (Years Elapsed Since) scores. Now, it’s not only about the places you’ve visited first time, but also about when you visited them last time, making your travel experiences even more dynamic.


What’s New in “My Regions”?

Last Visited Feature: Now, in the “My Regions” section, you can record the last time you visited each region. This simple addition lets you keep a more detailed record of your travels, bringing your adventures to life with time-specific memories.

Impact on YES Score: This update plays a crucial role in calculating your YES (Years Elapsed Since) score, which reflects the recency of your travels and YES ranking. By updating the “last visited” date for each region, you ensure your YES score accurately represents your ongoing travel endeavors.


Why This Matters:

Encouraging Repeat Visits: By focusing on the ‘when’ aspect of travel, NomadMania encourages travelers to revisit their favorite destinations, keeping the spirit of adventure alive and ongoing.

Active Traveler Status: This feature encourages you to keep traveling and sharing your experiences. It shows how varied your trips are and how recent they’ve been.

Personalised Travel Record:My Regions” becomes a more personalised record of your journeys, allowing you to reflect on how your travel experiences have evolved over time.


The latest update to “My Regions” is more than just a feature – it’s a new way to engage with your travel history. So, whether you’re a seasoned nomad or just starting, head over to the “My Regions” page and update your travel records.

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