Imagine the thrill of establishing your own nation in your parents' backyard, driven by a vision to improve the globe. That's exactly the story behind the Empire of Atlantium's birth. In a world fragmented by territorial lines, Atlantium sets itself apart as a global...
Molossia: Inside the World of Micronations
In a world dominated by vast countries and intricate international relations, a fascinating phenomenon unfolds: the emergence of small, imaginative entities known as "micronations"These tiny, self-declared nations spring forth from the ambitions of those who bravely...
Meet Rauli Virtanen: The First Person to Visit Every Country in the World
Today, we're honoured to introduce a guest who isn't just remarkable but may well be a record-setter: Rauli Virtanen from Finland. Believed to be the first person to have legitimately visited every country on the planet, Rauli’s journey goes beyond mere globetrotting....
Home Is Where The Map Is: An Interview with Janie Borisov
Welcome to this intriguing conversation with Janie Borisov, a seasoned traveller with an insatiable wanderlust. In this interview, guest interviewer and NomadMania member, Jaquelyn Kunz dives deep into Janie's extraordinary journey, where she reveals that has visited...
Brandon Zimmerman: The Military Brat Turned Map-Maker
Brandon Zimmerman is a traveller with a unique background and a passion for exploring new destinations. Brandon grew up as a military brat, living between the United States and Germany and travelling extensively with their family. He received a Bachelor’s Degree in...
Meet Anurag Dasgupta: Beyond 160 Countries with an Indian Passport
Meet Anurag Dasgupta, the man whose footprints traverse over 160 nations and counting. The first glance might paint him as just another traveler, but delve deeper, and you'll find an intrepid explorer with an insatiable thirst for the unknown. From bustling European...
Meet Vishnu Saha: From India to the World, One Adventure at a Time
Introducing Vishnu Saha, a dynamic Indian traveler redefining exploration. With over 35 countries under his belt, he defies norms, venturing into lesser-explored regions with genuine curiosity. At just 24, he's a digital nomad, blending travel with YouTube content...
Exploring the World with Paramvir Singh Beniwal
Meet Paramvir Singh Beniwal, an intrepid traveler from India who has explored around 70 countries, defying the limitations of his Indian passport. His passion for travel ignited during an internship in Turkey in 2017, leading him to discover hidden gems and unique...
Is he the biggest Indian traveller? Interview with Ravi Prabhu
Meet Ravi Prabhu, a fearless adventurer and travel influencer from India, who has embarked on a remarkable journey to visit every country in the world. Despite being a family man with a full-time job, Ravi has managed to explore 189 countries so far, with plans to...
Gunnar Garfors: From travel world record holder to sustainable traveler
Gunnar Garfors holds a number of Guinness World Records in travel and has the distinction of being the first person to visit every country in the world twice. Gunnar is a Norwegian traveler, author, media professional, public speaker and has a Wikipedia page. He is...
Dondon Bales – an advocate for sustainable and purposeful travel
Meet Dondon Bales, a member of NomadMania's Executive Committee who is leading our travel community’s sustainable travel advocacy initiatives. Dondon has an unlikely traveller profile – from humble beginnings in the Philippine countryside, financing his education...
Janet Simcock on Empowering Women by Humanitarian Work
Janet Simcock is a passionate traveller with an insatiable appetite for exploration and a love for photography. Growing up during the Troubles in Belfast, Northern Ireland, family holidays to beautiful beaches and travels to Switzerland sparked an early desire to see...