MAY 25 – MAY 29, 2025

* until JUNE 1 with add-on

Theme: Fixers and Travel
The NomadMania Conference has been taking place every other year since 2017. It is a special event where NomadMania travellers meet in a rarely visited place to discuss important topics that pertain to NomadMania while exploring new destinations and creating unforgettable memories.

Previous conferences have been held in

2017, Layang Layang in the Spratly islands

2017, Layang Layang in the Spratly islands

2019, Faial, Azore islands, Portugal

2019, Faial, Azores islands, Portugal

2021, Principe island, Sao Tome and Principe

2021, Principe island, Sao Tome and Principe

2023, Bocas del Toro, Panama

2023, Bocas del Toro, Panama

In 2025 we’re expanding and expecting over 100 participants!

Location: Fergana Valley, Uzbekistan

Rewind time as we explore a unique region along the ancient Silk Road deep in the heart of Central Asia. With an international airport in Fergana City you can grab a direct Turkish Airlines flight from Istanbul, making your visit to Uzbekistan more convenient than ever.

Map of Uzbekistan
We will also be visiting Fergana, Kokand, Margilan (both short & long-stay options); Andijan, Khanabad, Namangan, Nanay (long-stay option).


Day 1: Arrival in Fergana city

May 25

Day 2: First conference day & Kokand visit

May 26

Day 3: Surprise day 🙂

May 27

Day 4: Second conference day & Margilan visit

May 28

Day 5: Last conference day & departure

May 29


*** Additional Program

Day 6: Namangan & DARE place Nanay visit

May 30

Day 7: DARE place Khanabad & Andijan visit

May 31

Day 8: Departure from Fergana city

June 1
Map of Uzbekistan

Day 1 (May 25) Arrival in Fergana

Map Ukraine Tour and NomadMania Awards 2023
Most of the group arrives in Fergana on Turkish Airlines flight from Istanbul at 14.00 (or makes its way to Fergana another way).

Check-in at hotel and snack; then on to our first exploration of Uzbekistan within the town of Fergana.

Gala dinner (get dressed up!) with local entertainment at the hotel.

Day 2 (May 26) First conference session & Kokand

Map Ukraine Tour and NomadMania Awards 2023
After breakfast, we have our first Conference session (09.00-13.30). Participants who wish to will form groups and make presentations on the theme of ‘Fixers: Good, Bad and Ugly Side of Travel’. Specific themes will be developed in due course.

Following lunch, depart for the city of Kokand, famous for the palace of Khudayar Khan. City tour and return to Fergana for dinner.

Day 3 (May 27) Surprise program

Map Ukraine Tour and NomadMania Awards 2023
We are keeping this day free as we organise possible activities. Stay tuned for more!

Day 4 (May 28) Second conference session & Margilan

Map Ukraine Tour and NomadMania Awards 2023
Second Conference session: Experiences with Fixers – Positive and Negative. Specific Themes to be developed in due course.

Following lunch, we head to the town of Margilan, known for its vibrant market.

Final gala dinner in the evening; this is the last evening for those leaving on May 29th.

Day 5: Last conference session & departure

Map Ukraine Tour and NomadMania Awards 2023
May 29: Conference Last Session (09.00-11.30) – Fixers: The Top 25.

Those who leave today head to the airport for their 15.00 flight to Istanbul.

The remaining group: Experience alternative sides of Fergana before dinner, for example meeting young participants of the local Chess organisations and playing Chess matches.

Additional Program

Day 6 (May 30) Namangan & DARE place Nanay

Map Ukraine Tour and NomadMania Awards 2023
Today we continue our exploration of the Fergana Valley’s northern areas visiting the 2nd most populous town of Uzbekistan, Namangan, and the far northern DARE place and eco-resort town of Nanay. Overnight in Namangan or Andijan. (TBC).

Day 7 (May 31) DARE place Khanabad & Andijan

Map Ukraine Tour and NomadMania Awards 2023
Today we have a full-day excursion to NomadMania DARE place Khanabad in the far eastern corner of the Uzbek part of Fergana Valley, followed by a tour of the 2nd largest town in the Fergana Valley, Andijan. Late return to Fergana.

Day 8 (June 1) Departure

Map Ukraine Tour and NomadMania Awards 2023
Free morning in Fergana before heading to the airport for the 15.00 flight to Istanbul or continuing your journey in Central Asia individually.

Note: This is an indicative programme; the specific activities may be changed.




745 EURO per person


1145 EURO per person

Single supplement on request; availability of single rooms may be limited depending on the number of attendees.

Price includes:

All accommodation (shared) including 4 or 6 nights in Fergana in a 4* hotel (the best in town) and a night in Namangan/Andijan for the 8-day option
All meals including 2 gala dinners in Fergana with entertainment
All tours, entrance tickets and transport
Conference attendance including snacks during the breaks and NomadMania goodies

Price does not include:

International or domestic airfare to/from Fergana
Visa fees (if applicable; Uzbekistan is visa-free for many nationalities or requires an evisa)
Travel Insurance
Personal expenses


How to Join

A deposit of 295 EUR is to be paid in order to secure your spot.

The remaining sum is to be paid by November 30th. You will be reminded of this shortly before it is due.

*** Cancellation Policy! 50% of the deposit is refundable before October 31st.

Nomadmania Team

Harry Mitsidis 🇬🇷 🇬🇧

Harry Mitsidis 🇬🇷 🇬🇧


Orest Zub 🇺🇦

Orest Zub 🇺🇦

Managing Partner

Daniel Zagrodzki 🇵🇱

Daniel Zagrodzki 🇵🇱

IT consultant / developer

Viktoriia Ovcharenko 🇺🇦

Viktoriia Ovcharenko 🇺🇦

Software developer

Yaroslav Ingulskyi 🇺🇦

Yaroslav Ingulskyi 🇺🇦

Frontend developer

Local Hosts

Aleksandr Trach 🇺🇿

Aleksandr Trach 🇺🇿

Biggest Uzbek Traveller

Ravil 🇺🇿

Ravil 🇺🇿

Director of "Genius of the Valley" chess club


WELCOME TO THE 5TH NOMADMANIA CONFERENCE – the first one not on an island!

Should you have any questions, please, contact us,

© NomadMania OU – Ahtri tn 12, 15551, Tallinn, Estonia

NomadMania Conference #5SEE DETAILS