Turkish Travellers Club Received Prestigious Award ⁠ for Promoting Global Citizenship ‍

22 July, 2023 | Blog, Events

In a celebration filled with warmth and camaraderie, the Turkish Travellers Club, also known as Türkiye Gezginler Kulübü, was honoured with the prestigious Best NomadMania Friend (Organisation) award at the 1st NomadMania Awards in 2021.

The club’s dedication to promoting travel and fostering connections among ⁠ nomads was recognised and applauded by the attendees. This recognition came after almost ⁠ two years of anticipation, recognising the club’s outstanding efforts in promoting a ⁠ worldwide network of tolerant and open travellers. ​

The Turkish Travellers Club was formed in Istanbul in 1998 by the late Orhan Kural, It has experienced significant growth and now boasts a dynamic community of over 300 members ⁠ who share a common belief that true travellers are “world citizens.” Their ethos revolves around treating all civilisations with respect, devoid of segregation and prejudice.

The club hosts regular public meetings on the first Wednesday evening of each ⁠ month, creating an opportunity for exchanges among adventurers and explorers. The meetings often feature guest speakers. On one such meeting just before the pandemic in 2020, NomadMania was given centre stage; and this happened yet again a month ago, with a special banner produced!

Throughout their existence, the Turkish Travellers Club has ventured on ⁠ countless mind-opening expeditions to different corners of the planet. From the unexplored corners of North Korea, Uganda, and Ethiopia discover the enchanting beauty found in Patagonia, Iceland, and the Philippines. Moreover, the club organises ethnic costume and dance parties, along ⁠ with actively participating in special religious ceremonies during “National Nights.”

The club’s remarkable hospitality and inclusiveness have attracted ⁠ visitors originating from various locations worldwide. So don’t hesitate to contact them and say hello next time you’re in Istanbul!

Being awarded the Best NomadMania Friend (Organisation) filled the ⁠ Turkish Travellers Club with immense joy and validation. In the commemorative occasion hosted at the museum residence donated by their originator, Orhan Kural, the present ⁠ leader, Selman Arinç, and Vice-President Ugur Demircan were accompanied by a group of other prominent Turkish travellers. The event was marked by the characteristic Turkish hospitality, where food and tea are always abundant.

As we celebrate the Turkish Travellers Club’s recognition and applaud their commitment to fostering a united and accepting global community, we look forward to many more opportunities for meaningful connections and adventures around the world. Their dedication to promoting open-mindedness and cultural understanding serves as an inspiration to travellers everywhere, reminding us that the beauty of our world lies in its diversity and the bonds we form as “world citizens.”

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