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Interview with Sabela Montero

Interview with Sabela Montero

Q: Sabela, you have a blog named “travelling, pictures and sensations” (viajandoimá That’s what you look for when you travel? Yes, I try to summarize the pictures that I capture during my travels. Not only photographs, of course. I'm talking...

Interview with Milos Mitrovic

Interview with Milos Mitrovic

Q: Miloš, you grew up in two countries - first the 'socialist' Yugoslavia and then the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which included Serbia and Montenegro. How do you feel your character and world-view has been shaped by growing up there during what was a very...

Interview with Don Parrish

Interview with Don Parrish

On the 23rd September 2014, our founder Harry Mitsidis met one of the biggest travellers in the world, Don Parrish. Don is ranked first in the Most Traveled People website, which is no mean achievement at all. In this narrative, Harry recounts the meeting and the many...

Interview with David Fuentes Sánchez

Interview with David Fuentes Sánchez

Most of our TBT users recognize you from your articles in the stories section, but could you tells us a little more about yourself and your travels? Which three words would you say best describe you? Well this is a difficult one; if I had to choose only three words, I...

Interview with Kolja Spori

Interview with Kolja Spori

Q: Kolja, you have a blog called Gentleman Adventurer. Can you explain how the name came about? What are your aims with this blog? I like to travel on the rough roads, but always in style, staying in top hotels and dressed like a relaxed businessman. I want to combine...

Interview with Andre Brugiroux

Interview with Andre Brugiroux

Q: Andre, you are possibly the best travelled man in the world. What does this distinction mean to you? A:The Important thing in life is not to travel but to be happy. To be in agreement with oneself and to love the whole world. Which is my case. I have never been...

Interview with Anthony Asael

Interview with Anthony Asael

Anthony, you're one of a few people who has been to all the countries in the world. What motivated you to do it? Since I was very young, I wanted to cross borders and oceans. When I was 5, I went on my first solo travel, on an inflatable boat, willing to cruise the...

Interview with Harry Mitsidis

Interview with Harry Mitsidis

Kristina: Harry, you are one of the best travelled people around, but, beyond these facts, tell us something about Harry the person. I remember walking up the road with Sonia, one of my first girlfriends back when I was 19, and she suddenly exclaimed: 'Harry you are...

Interview with Alicia Sornosa

Interview with Alicia Sornosa

Q: You are the first Spanish-speaking woman who completed a trip around the world by motorbike. How do you feel about that? Was it a goal, a source of pride or something that just happened? Well, it’s certainly an honour but also a responsibility because I’m...

Interview with Eki Siivonen

Interview with Eki Siivonen

On a rainy Monday in October, Harry Mitsidis met Eki Siivonen in Helsinki. The two travellers spent half a day discussing life, travels and going over Eki's journals...   Eki fetches me at a corner by the Helsinki Central railway station. He arrives right on...

Interview with Mauro Martino

Interview with Mauro Martino

Mauro Martino won our award for best Italian blog in August. This was our first in what we hope will be a series of such awards for best blogs. In this interview he tells us a little about himself and his travels.   Mauro, you won the prize for best Italian...

Interview with Antonio Aguilar

Interview with Antonio Aguilar

Kristina: For the beginning, please introduce yourself - who you are, where you're from, what you do, how many countries you've visited so far and what's your favourite place to be? Antonio: I am Antonio, a Spanish traveller with quite an itchy foot. I have been to...

Conference #5 in Fergana, UZDETAILS