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Mayom Bul: Founder of Metro Safaris, in South Sudan

Mayom Bul: Founder of Metro Safaris, in South Sudan

  South Sudan is the youngest UN country, having achieved full independence less than 9 years ago, in July 2011. It is also one of Africa's most unexplored places, which is partially due to its seemingly endless civil wars, which have hopefully come to an end...

Interview with Jakob Øster

Interview with Jakob Øster

Jakob is one of the nicest guys out there - we can confirm this! And what singles him out as one of the travel greats is that he has achieved it all while leading a 'normal' family life in Denmark. Here he tells us how he has managed to balance all this...   Tell...

Interview with Ildiko Szabo

Interview with Ildiko Szabo

What is amazing in today's interview is the fact that it is Ildi's first ever interview - considering the incredible places she has visited, and that she is the first person from her country to have done every country, we are incredibly honoured to have been given...

Interview with Shimpei Ninomiya

Interview with Shimpei Ninomiya

Shimpei is one of the Japanese legends who have seemingly effortlessly been to every country in the world. He tells us a little about his take on life. His interview has been edited for language, but we believe we have kept the meaning intact!   Shimpei, tell us...

Interview with Jessica Nabongo

Interview with Jessica Nabongo

It is quite unfortunate that almost 90% of UN Masters have a similar profile: male and Caucasian. Jessica, helped by her two passports, breaks these stereotypes and is on her way to not only becoming - to the best of our knowledge - the first woman to visit every...