Introducing NomadMania Certificates

17 September, 2024 | Blog, Features, News

As you perhaps know, NomadMania is the only place where highly ranked travellers are verified, ensuring their travel claims are valid. We are also an authority on the people who have been to every country –  UN Masters.

So far we’ve been verifying only those travellers who reach a certain upper threshold. For example, close to 193 UN Countries, 600+ NM Regions, top travellers by country or in case travellers claim some outstanding Series performance as well as visiting very difficult regions (see Associated Verifications here).

Manual verification is conducted by our Verification Team who are all volunteers. At the same time, numerous members have been approaching us requesting verification which we simply could not conduct due to limited resources.

We are now proud to present you the NomadMania Certificates 🙂


What is a NomadMania Certificate?

It is an original unique numbered printed certificate issued by NomadMania confirming you’ve visited a certain amount of UN countries. At a size of A4 (210×297 mm / 8.3 x 11.7 in), it is available to purchase for everyone who is a NomadMania member and has reached a certain number of visited countries.

This is a paid product considering the actual production and shipping cost and including the verification process. At the same time, this is also a way to support our team financially so we can develop more features for you.


Types of Certificates

There are five paid types of Certificates:

The  ‘Close to 193 UN countries visited‘ Certificate is designed for those members who for some reason can’t reach all 193 UN Countries and wish to get a certificate as well as a special UN badge on their profile. The exact number of countries will be specified on this type of the Certificate.


What happens with 193 UN Verification?

Once a user claims to have visited all 193 UN countries, the Verification is compulsory and remains free of charge; in other words, nothing changes from what has been done until now. Additionally to verification and a badge a UN Master can order his All 193 UN Countries certificate which costs 193 EUR. This is optional.

Certificate - All 193 Countries Visited


The order and delivery process is as follows:

  1. Order and pay for the certificate
  2. Verify your travel record (See VERIFICATION)
  3. Once the Verification is passed:
    – you’ll receive a verification badge  on your profile
    – we’ll send you a digital copy of the certificate by e-mail
    – we’ll ship you the original paper certificate by mail (worldwide)

Once the order is made, we’ll contact you and initiate the Verification process.

In case you fail to verify your travel claims, no certificate will be issued and 50% of the cost will be refunded.

For the All 193 UN Countries certificate, please start with Verification and then order the Certificate. If you’re verified already welcome to order your 193 Certificate directly here.


Get Your Certificate 🙂

Sounds exciting? Head over here and order your Certificate.

Thanks for being part of our NomadMania community and happy travels 🙂


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