How to Write & Publish a Travel Book

New Book Presentation by Harry Mitsidis – ‘Welcome to the Hotel NomadMania’

September 30, 2023, Saturday

  • 17:00 London
  • 12:00 New York
  • 09:00 Los Angeles
  • 23:00 Bangkok
How to Write & Publish a Book


<a href="">Mike Richards</a>

Mike Richards

Aka ‘The Travelling Ape’ – has visited over 150 countries. He has a popular blog The Travelling Ape – Encouraging Curiosity , with over 75 blog posts.

<a href="">Konstantin Symonenko</a>

Konstantin Symonenko

The only Ukrainian UN Master (so far) and author of ‘2 million kilometres to the dream’ book.

<a href="" target="_blank">Flavio Ferrari Zumbini</a>

Flavio Ferrari Zumbini

Born in Rome in 1977. He graduated from LUISS in Economics and Business Administration in 2001 and Law in 2004. He traveled the 193 nations around the world.

<a href="">Francis Tapon</a>

Francis Tapon

Has hiked across America four times, walked across Spain twice, and Madagascar once. He has traveled to 123 counties.

Book Presentation

How to Write & Publish a Book

Welcome to the Hotel NomadMania

This is an Agatha Christie-style whodunnit featuring fictionalised versions of travellers within our vibrant community.

‘Welcome to the Hotel NomadMania’ takes you on a thrilling journey across more than 20 global locations, including Socotra, Asmara, Paramaribo, and more!


<a href="">Harry Mitsidis</a>

Harry Mitsidis

Founder of NomadMania and book author. One of the biggest travellers in the world.


Your Host

Webinar Program


Part I: Writing and Publishing a Travel Book

  • Welcome & Introduction
  • Guest Reception
  • Writing Tips and Techniques
  • Publishing Process
  • Audience Q&A


Part II: The Worst Video in the History of Mankind Premiere

  • Unveiling of the video, with brief context provided before playing. You’ll love it 🙂


Part III: Official ‘NEW’ Book Launch

  • Introduction & Context
  • Official Launch: Details on what to expect, features, and how to get involved
  • Q&A: Answering indicative questions that were previously sent and live questions from the audience


Closing Remarks & Summary

Do you have any additional questions?

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