Daniel Kahleyss from Germany is one of the few people to have touched every one of the United Nations countries and he has even flown in every one, which might well be a world record. An avid aviation enthusiast, his is a unique approach to travel, and he tells us...
Interview with Max Leyerer
The June issue of TBT Magazine brings you the interview with Max Leyerer, a young and diligent traveller from Austria. Here you can read more about his travel experiences and goals. Max, this indeed is a big accomplishment for a young man of your age, to have...
Interview with Jose Antonio Ruiz Diez
In the May issue of TBT Magazine, we bring you a very personal interview with Jose Antonio Ruiz Diez. He's travelled extensively, lived in quite a few countries and learned quite a few lessons about the world and life. Jose Antonio, you are one of the best...
Interview with Sascha Düerkop
We invite you to read the interview with Sascha Duerkop, CONIFA General Secretary. In it, you can find everything you need to know about this organisation and its activities. And there are many. Sascha, you are the General Secretary of CONIFA. Can you tell us a little...
Interview with Els Slots
Why did you make your website? There wasn’t a particular moment that I thought “I am going to develop a website dedicated to WHS, that serves as a reference for other travellers“. It evolved organically over the past 18 years into what it is now. It started as a...
Interview with Vladimir Stepanov
This time, we interview an avid traveller from 'Rossiya-Matushka', Mr. Vladimir Stepanov. Vladimir tell us a little about your background and how your interest in travel has grown. Looks like that my taste for travel was created in my childhood. When I was...
Interview with Frank Wigand Grosse-Oetringhaus
Today we talk with Frank W. Grosse-Oetringhaus, "The Best Travelled Man on Earth". Frank, could you tell us something about yourself? I am 73 and I started travelling when I was 15. I was brought up in Hamburg, and my father handed me a train ticket to England...
Interview with Nina Sedano
Q: Nina, in May 2014 you published your book entitled, in German 'Die Ländersammlerin', i.e. literally translated 'The female Country collector'. Do you see yourself then mainly as a country collector, or is that just one aspect of your travel self? Regarding...
Interview with Slawek Muturi
Q: Slawek, you are half Kenyan and half Polish. What elements of these two very different cultures do you find in yourself? Has this mix helped you travel more, do you think? How? It is true that I have spent some of my childhood in Poland and some in Kenya and...
Interview with Sele
Q: Sele, what do you search for on your trips? What do you expect to find when you leave your home to discover the world? When I travel, I look for these moments that will always be among the happiest in my life. We don't travel only to places; we travel to those...
Interview with Bruno Oudmayer
Q: Bruno, do you believe you were born a traveler or did you develop into one? I don't think people are born as travelers; over time we develop interests, and we – those born in the rich world - are lucky enough to be able to follow up on those interests. In my case,...
Interview with James Willcox
Q: James, tell us something about yourself and your background. How did your interest in travel come about? After multiple trips to East Asia, South Asia and the Middle East I become fascinated with Central Asia. A region where cultures, cuisines and people that a new...